Kaylee Woodard
Kaylee Woodard is 34 years old and has been involved with the sport of jump rope for 26 years. During that time, Kaylee has been blessed with many opportunities to compete, teach, and perform all around the world. She has earned multiple national and international titles and has performed with Cirque du Soleil, Cirque Dreams, Saltare, and a variety of other companies. She has also taught jump rope in 9 countries and over 30 states.
Kaylee’s passion for athletics and fitness has also impacted her academic endeavors. In 2013, Kaylee earned a degree in Kinesiology from Louisiana State University. She then completed her Master’s degree in Exercise Science at the University of South Florida and her Ph.D. in Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology at the University of Tennessee. Kaylee is also an NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. She now works as a professor in Western Kentucky University’s Exercise Science department.
Kaylee is dedicated to using her education, unique experiences, and passion for the sport of jump rope to make a positive difference in people’s lives. She aims to educate others about health and fitness and instill within them a drive for excellence.